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Entre todos, acabar con el desempleo juvenil es más fácil

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I am a Company, how can Kaatch help?

We support your hiring and outplacement needs. For hiring, our free platform lets you post jobs, showcase your employee value proposition, and search our database for top talent. For outplacement, our paid service ensures your departing employees have access to our talent platform and a personalized career design program tailored to their goals.

I am an Individual, what can I do?

Join our talent platform for free to explore job opportunities, and elevate your career with our tailored career design services—helping you step up and thrive in the workforce like never before.

Una promesa poderosa que da un paso decidido hacia la solución del desempleo juvenil
RRHH Digital
Online HR media
Un firme compromiso contra el desempleo juvenil, transformando la promesa en acción concreta.
Transform US
HR leaders ecosystem